The Big Almaty Lake
The Big Almaty Lake is located near Almaty in the Ile-Alataus National Park. The height above the sea level of this lake is about 2511 m. The lake is surrounded by high mountains and has a length of about 1600 m in length and from 750 – 1000 m in width. The coastline extends over a distance of 3 km, with a maximum depth of about 40 meters.
The BAO basin was formed due to numerous earthquakes. Due to the frequent threats of mudflows, as well as for the needs of hydropower plants on the lake, work was done to strengthen the natural dam, which already in the 80s of the last century saved the lake from erosion. Seasonally Melting glaciers feed the Big Almaty Lake with clean water, which is, among other things, also the main drinking source for Almaty residents. BAO water temperature is not more than 8 degrees Celsius!
The unreal beauty of the species that opens there, crystal clear and clear water, fresh mountain air, as well as silence and solitude – all these factors attract tourists from all over the world. When you are surrounded by such majestic and beautiful mountains of Zailiysky Alatau, the blue sky with white fluffy clouds reflected in the changing smooth surface of the water, mountain streams, snow, flowering greens, it is impossible to remain indifferent!